Thursday, May 23, 2019

Executive Meeting Has Been Called.

Amanda Pakade, MSSA President, has called an Executive Committee Meeting for 31 May 2019.
In terms  of Mind Sports South Africa's constitution, MSSA's president is required to call two Executive Committee Meetings per annum.

The Executive Committee is just one of the checks-and-balances on the Management Board as such Executive Committee includes a delegate from every member club affiliated to, and in good standing with, Mind Sports South Africa.

It is at such Executive Committee Meetings that Regulations and Bye-laws may be amended and/or introduced.

Thus notice is given that MSSA shall be holding an Executive Committee meeting on 31 May 2019.

As such all member clubs are advised that should they have any motions that they want presented, such motions must be submitted to the General Secretary on or before 7 May 2019 on

Motions may be submitted on any aspect of the Reguations and Bye-laws, but they cannot be in conflict with MSSA's Constitution or any South African legislation.

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